Mininet Credits/History
Mininet is under active development, and we hope it will become a highly useful and flexible virtual network platform for research, experimentation, debugging, learning, and many other applications. Most importantly, it’s an easy and fun way to experiment with OpenFlow, P4, and SDN!
Mininet is an open source effort, and we encourage submission of patches that fix bugs or add useful features. If you would like to create or submit a patch, please open an issue and/or a pull request on github. Please also feel free to drop us a line on mininet-discuss.
Mininet 2.3.0 core team: Bob Lantz and the Mininet Contributors
Mininet 2.2.0 core team: Bob Lantz, Brian O’Connor, Cody Burkhard
Mininet 2.1.0 core team: Bob Lantz and Brian O’Connor
Mininet 2.0.0 core team: Bob Lantz, Brandon Heller, Nikhil Handigol, and Vimal Jeyakumar
Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports, feature requests, and
especially code patches/bug fixes/pull requests! (See
Thanks to ONF, Stanford, FAUCET/Google, University of Arizona, and any other organizations or employers that have supported the Mininet effort financially or otherwise.
Thanks to Tomasz Buchert and Santiago Ruano Rincón for Debian packaging.
Thanks to James Page for helping to make Ubuntu packages a reality, and to Big Switch and Canonical for supporting that effort.
Mininet 1.0 was created by Bob Lantz and Brandon Heller, based on the original Mininet prototype demonstrated by Bob Lantz.
Mininet’s process-based virtualization approach uses Linux network namespaces, which were developed by Eric Biederman.